
Michael L. Strauss, AG

Military Historian and Genealogist

Keynote/Banquet Lectures

The below topics are all suited for both keynote lectures and banquets.

Family Lore: Separating Fact from Fiction 

Genealogists often hear stories passed down through the generations.  It can be difficult to sift through the pan of genealogical silt to find the nuggets of truth as opposed to hearing family stories that may have been embellished over time. By learning to conduct primary research and using time proven methodology, panning for the truth is well worth our efforts.

The Generous Miser: The Story of James Lick of California

James Lick was an American carpenter, piano builder, land baron, and patron of the sciences. At the time of his death, he was one of the wealthiest man in California, and left the majority of his estate to both social and philanthropic causes.  Centered around the life of a man who gave so much to building up California.  It was through his generosity, that the Lick Observatory was built and dedicated years after his death in 1876.

Levi Strauss: It’s All In The “Genes”

The life of one of California’s most well known pioneers Levi Strauss speaks on his prominence as a businessman and philanthropist to those in the Jewish community and the general public in the San Francisco bay area. From modest beginnings, born of Jewish ancestry in Europe, Levi Strauss arrived in the United States to find his fortune. He will always be remembered for his charity, as well as for his fashion sense “jeans” and the legacy he left behind to the American west.

Genealogy: A Journey In Time

This lecture is geared towards those beginning their genealogy journey.  Discover the joy of learning your family history and finding long lost relatives.  Learn how this is really a journey of a lifetime as many great and useful resources and research facilities are discussed along with all the various records that beginners would use.  A must lecture for those looking at starting genealogy.